Home » Regulatory News » Tata Teleservices has been asked to give up the extra spectrum as per DoT

Tata Teleservices has been asked to give up the extra spectrum as per DoT

Recent sources has confirmed that DoT has asked Tata Teleservices to vacate the additional CDMA spectrum in the different circles across India except Delhi & Mumbai with the other telco operators.

DoT sources has stated that the Telco body may request TTL to surrender its one 1.25  MHz of CDMA spectrum in all respected service areas except Mumbai & Delhi without any such reason.

The reason behind the steps taken by DoT to ask the operators to give up their additional spectrum is mainly because government has impose one time access fee for the airwaves holding beyond the limit that was assigned to it for resuming the wireless network services.

The company will not surrender the extra spectrum as per DoT demanded, the company will wait for the final results of the petition held up before  Kolkata High Court and Bombay High Court. As a result of which ”DoT would be bound to restore forthwith the surrendered spectrum in the event DoT actions are held invalid”.

120 days time frame has been asked by the company before surrendering its CDMA spectrum & re-organise its network, since the DoT may ask the company to impose one time spectrum fee.

Rs. 1,155 crore is the one-time spectrum fee imposed on TTSL’s CDMA license.

Already the company has paid 63 crore rs as an installment fee for holding up the additional license in Delhi & Mumbai circle as a protests to the Government.