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BSNL & MTNL GoM meet together with revival cancellation

There was a meeting scheduled with Finance Minister P Chidambaram & other group of ministers to discuss on the revival strategy of state-owned BSNL & MTNLbut later the meeting was cancelled. As per news came from PTI, one of the government officials said that the next date of the meeting yet to be decided & also quoted about the non-availability of Finance Minister on11th May.

As per sources has quoted that the Finance Minister had to travel to Chennai so he was not present in the meeting.

 P Chidambaram the Finance Minister is heading the GoM. This group was formed as per letter sent by Telco Minister Kapil Sibal to our Prime Minister Manmohan Singh about the major concerns of its two loss earning PSU’s.

As per records shown in financial year 2012-13, MTNL incurred a loss of Rs 3,300 crore around & BSNL suffered a loss of  Rs 8,198 crore.

 Telecom Minister, Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma, Law Minister Ashwani Kumar, Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Information and Broadcasting Minister Manish Tewari and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office V Narayanasamy were the honorary members of GoM.