Home » Apps » Non-Play Store Android Apps Updates has been banned by Google

Non-Play Store Android Apps Updates has been banned by Google

Recently Google has caught Facebook updating his android apps not via. Google’s Play Store. Recently Google has closed all loop holes in terms of Android apps updates without moving to the Google Play Store.

An app downloaded from Google Play may not modify, replace or update its own APK binary code using any method other than Google Play’s update mechanism,” already mentioned in Google’s Play Store terms & conditions.

As per news Facebook did not force its users to update their Android apps not via Play Store downloadable to their phone. This principle was followed via old terms & condition with Google to Facebook & any other apps will not be able to send updates through Play Store.

By tightening the policy Google is maintaining malicious content out of user’s devices especially those who are not intended to download from apps store. We are only thinking what will happen to those Android devices available in the market who will not getting access to Google’s Play Store?