Home » Apps » FaceWash Web App Released to Clean Up Facebook Profiles

FaceWash Web App Released to Clean Up Facebook Profiles

There are possibilities that a user may inadvertently ‘like’ a Facebook page which are actually embarrassing. Now users have the option to clean up their Facebook pages with a FaceWash.

A web app called FaceWash has been developed by a trio of undergraduates from Kent State University. The app will search through the contents of a users Facebook page that the user intends to delete or hide. This includes photo captions, comments or updates left by the user or received by the user.

The app was created on a weekend by Gur, who is 22, along with two of his friends with Computer Science majors. The other two are David Steinberg of 24 and Camden Fullmer of 21 years.

The users, in order to use FaceWash, need to go to its website, Facewash, click to get started and then log on to their Facebook accounts. The user then must select “Go to app” and allow the app to access content of the user.

Searching for a term would make the app search through the Facebook page of users profile content and alerts the user when it finds a suitable match. The users can then easily delete the content.

The app is still in its developmental stage and there could be minor problems arising out of the app. FaceWash has become so popular that since its launch on Sunday, the app has seen more than 20,000 visitors. The app developers are now busy expanding the app and adding more features.